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British Lawmakers To Debate Banning Donald Trump From The UK

British lawmakers will debate on Jan 18 the possibility of banning Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump from entering the United Kingdom in the wake of his controversial remarks about Muslims.

The decision to debate whether or not Trump should be barred from entering the country comes after more than 560,000 people signed a petition calling for such a ban.

Legally 100,000 are required to prompt a parliamentary debate. A separate petition opposed to banning Trump generated less than 40,000 signatures.

The debate has been scheduled for January 18 in Westminster Hall, where any parliament member is allowed to participate, according to House of Commons Petitions Committee Chairwoman Helen Jones.

Jones was quoted as saying by the Associated Press that the debate "will allow a range of views to be expressed". But any conclusion reached by the lawmakers will not be binding.
The petition to ban Trump from entering the United Kingdom was launched after the American billionaire and leading Republican presidential candidate made several controversial comments about Muslims.

Trump's comments particularly his suggestion that some areas of London are so full of radical Muslims that police are too scared to go there have earned rebuke from a number of prominent Britons.

London's Metropolitan Police in his rare rebuke to the aspiring American president said: "Trump could not be more wrong." London Mayor Boris Johnson, a member of the right-wing Conservative Party, also responded sharply.

"The only reason I wouldn't go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump," Johnson said. British Prime Minister David Cameron described Trump's comments as "divisive, stupid and wrong."

Anti-Muslim American speakers like Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have already been blocked from entering the United Kingdom.

Their ban has been enforced by the British Home Office which reserves the right to refuse entry to foreigners coming to the country to speak under the unacceptable behaviors or extremism exclusion policy.

Extremist Islamic preachers and others whose presence the home secretary has decided would "not be conducive to the public good" have also been barred from entering the United Kingdom.

Trump has huge business interests in the United Kingdom and any ban on his entry would deal a blow to him. He owns a golf course in Aberdeen, Scotland.

The Trump Organization released a statement specifying its investments and criticizing any possible move to restrict travel.

"Any action to restrict travel would force The Trump Organization to immediately end these and all future investments we are currently contemplating in the United Kingdom.

"Westminster would send a terrible message to the world that the United Kingdom opposes free speech and has no interest in attracting inward investment," it read.

"This would also alienate the many millions of United States citizens who wholeheartedly support Mr. Trump and have made him the forerunner by far in the 2016 presidential election.

"Many people now agree with Mr. Trump that there is a serious problem that must be resolved. This can only be achieved if we are willing to discuss these tough issues openly and honestly."

Source: Bignewsnetwork

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