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Adam Johnson was arrested for possession of animal porn but was jailed for SIX YEARS for grooming and abusing 15-year-old fan

Disgraced footballer Adam Johnson was arrested over possession of animal pornography, it can be revealed for the first time today after he was jailed for six years.

Player has been sentenced to six years for sexual activity with a child
Judge says he has shown no remorse and abused his position in society
He tells player: 'You made a deliberate decision... no doubt in the expectation that you would get away with it'

Johnson's lawyer says his conviction appeal has been lodged today

Victim says she has been approached by strangers in public over case

Neither Johnson's sister or his ex Stacey Flounders was at hearing

Johnson's phone and laptop were seized after his arrest at home in County Durham in March last year.

The 28-year-old was then re-arrested on suspicion of possessing extreme pornography but was not charged with the offence as the police investigation focused on his meetings with the girl.

He has since been told he will not face action over the bestiality images, as he prepares for jail for the more serious child sex offences.
The former £60,000-a-week Sunderland winger showed no emotion today as Judge Jonathan Rose handed him the six-year sentence.

Details of Johnson's stash of animal porn images could not be reported during his trial, but were revealed today after the case concluded.
It can also be revealed that medication for sexually-transmitted diseases was found at his home during a police search.

Searches of his computers also revealed that Johnson regularly visited a website called 'Nice Young Teens', which shows pictures of girls just over the age of consent.

He also joked about having sex with women on the bonnet of his Range Rover.
Sentencing Johnson today, the judge said the footballer had shown no remorse for what he had done, adding: 'This will be your first prison sentence, this is all entirely your fault.'

The judge said the offence was aggravated by the fact Johnson took the girl to a dark place, tried to conceal his crimes and the impact on his victim, who now suffers 'night terrors' and needs therapy.

The judge added: 'You are trusted by young fans to behave properly... You were a respected Sunderland footballer, that is why you were able to commit these offences.'

Johnson, who sat chewing gum during the hearing, will serve half of his sentence in prison before being freed to spend the rest on licence. He will be on the sex offenders' register for the rest of his life.
Johnson sprinted into court to avoid cameras this morning ahead of a sentencing hearing, which heard he felt he had a 'right to sex' and put this victim's age 'out of his mind'.

The judge said the victim had been a Sunderland fan who would wait after matches to take pictures of her 'favourite player', Johnson, who had known her age.

He said: 'That was known to you - to put it another way she had only just turned 15 when you began grooming her, because as you were to admit you found her sexually attractive.'
The judge said Johnson had exchanged more than 800 messages with her, which had largely been innocent.

But he added: 'You continued in your grooming of this girl even after you were engaged in sexual activity with her. You wanted no-one to know that you and she were exchanging messages.
You made a deliberate decision... no doubt in the expectation that you would get away with it
Judge Jonathan Rose

'You asked her to find a place to meet that was private and secluded so no-one would see you in her company.'
Judge Rose told Johnson the offences happened at a time when he was 'engaged in frequent sexual intercourse with multiple partners'.

He said: 'You made a deliberate decision to engage in sexual activity with this young girl, no doubt in the expectation that you would get away with it.' 

The judge said Johnson's decision not to plead guilty meant that the girl was subjected to a year of being called a liar, including having this being chanted by football fans.
He said she reached her 'lowest ebb' after giving evidence in the trial.

Judge Rose added: 'She speaks of entering many dark places in that year and said she had suffered bullying and stress and had underachieved at school as a result of the case.'

Earlier in the hearing, prosecutor Kate Blackwell QC had told the court today that Johnson has 'a compulsive drive to have new sexual experiences' and took advantage of the girl's 'adulation'.


Adam Johnson has not been stripped of his 12 England caps, despite claims that were heard in court on Thursday.

During the 28-year-old's sentencing hearing at Bradford Crown Court, his barrister, Orlando Pownall QC, said that he had been stripped of his international honours.

However, FA sources have told Sportsmail that in fact is not the case - with the former footballer's international career still recognised.

Mr Pownall said: 'He has been stripped of his England caps. He has lost a lucrative career that he will never be able to retrieve and is a figure of national humiliation.'
Johnson's last appearance for England was on May 26, 2012 during a 1-0 victory in Norway ahead of Euro 2012.

She added: 'This is not a fleeting contact or a fleeting offence. These offences were calculated, considered and carefully orchestrated.'
Dr Philip Hopley, a consultant psychiatrist giving evidence for the defence, told the court: 'This is a man who, at the age of 28, is socially and psychologically immature.'

Dr Hopley said he believed that as a professional footballer he developed his confidence and self-esteem very quickly and this, combined with the availability of willing women, led to his 'compulsive sexual behaviour'.

The doctor said he found no evidence in Johnson of an attraction to pre-pubescent children or 'sexual perversion'.

According to the judge, Johnson told a psychiatrist: 'I treated (the teenager) like any of the girls I met.
'I put her age out of my mind. I was sexually interested but she was just another girl, another opportunity. She was attractive enough. Another one to get with.'

The prosecutor, Ms Blackwell, also told the court that Johnson had a history of meeting women for sex on his way home from training, describing it as a 'clandestine habit'.

Johnson's lawyer Orlando Pownall QC asked whether Johnson told him that sending explicit messages was 'common practice amongst his fellow professional footballers and associates.'
The psychiatrist replied: 'That is correct.'

Defence QC Mr Pownall continued: 'He has lost a lucrative career he will never be able to retrieve. He has been stripped of his England caps. He has been made the subject of national humiliation and these are all aspects of punishment that arise from his pleas and conviction.'

He added that Johnson's conduct towards women 'is, and could properly be described as deplorable'.
The QC added: 'He does not pose a significant risk of harm to children, for (victim) was not selected on her age but despite her age.'

Fame, celebrity and a position of power does not give you the right to break the law in pursuit of whatever you desire.

Police inspector Aelfwynn Sampson

He said that despite the huge publicity surrounding the case, no other underage girls have complained about Johnson.
'This is not the case of a predatory paedophile who has sought out children for sexual purposes,' he said; 'This was an aberration.'

Johnson had his car drive down one side of the courtroom when he arrived at court this morning. He then sprinted towards the door from another side, in a bid to avoid being pictured by photographers.

After Johnson arrived in the dock, his barrister told the court an appeal against his conviction is due to be lodged this morning.
After the former England player was jailed, Detective Inspector Aelfwynn Sampson, of Durham Constabulary, said: 'This is a carefully considered and significant sentence which sends out a clear message.

'Fame, celebrity and a position of power does not give you the right to break the law in pursuit of whatever you desire.'

Earlier this morning, Johnson's sister Faye, who has set up a Facebook group in support of his appeal, said today is 'the worst day of my life'.
She posted a photo of him with his daughter on the Facebook page and said neither she nor Johnson's former partner, Stacey Flounders, will be at today's hearing.

In the post, Ms Johnson said: 'Today is the sentencing for my brother, the worst day of my life.

'I just wanted to let all of the supporters know that I will not be attending Bradford Crown Court, the reason for this is Adam has always been my hero, my brother and my best friend, I just don't want him to see the pain in my eyes!

'Instead I will be at home with my little boy, Adam's number 1 fan, Adam's daughter and the mother of his child Stacey.
'I remain proud of my big brother and I am 100% behind him and I always will be.'

The footballer befriended his victim at the end of 2014 before sending her hundreds of messages on Snapchat and WhatsApp.

His grooming began at the time his then-girlfriend Stacey Flounders was pregnant and continued after she gave birth their daughter.
Johnson twice met his victim in January last year. At the first meeting he gave her signed football shirts before pleading with her for a 'thank you kiss'.

When the pair met up for a second time, they kissed and, the jury found, Johnson put his hands down the girl's trousers.
He later sent her messages saying he had 'wanted to get her jeans off' and they should 'get in the back' of the car next time. Johnson also looked up 'legal age of consent' online, but claimed it was nothing to do with the girl.

The girl was later taunted online after telling her friends of her meeting with Johnson and broke down and told her parents.

Johnson was arrested in March last year but denied any wrongdoing for months and continued to play for Sunderland, earning millions.
He then admitted kissing and grooming the girl at the beginning of his trial before being found guilty of sexual activity with a child. He was cleared of another count of the same offence.

His denials meant his victim had to go through two gruelling days of giving evidence and the prosecution accused him of 'playing games with the courts'.

Ms Flounders, who gave evidence saying she believed Johnson hadn't done anything more than kiss than girl, revealed during the trial that they had split up.

After the trial ended, a row erupted over just how much Sunderland AFC knew about what its player had done when it let him play on before finally sacking him earlier this year after his guilty pleas.

The club later said it was 'so very sorry' for letting down its 15-year-old fan after chief executive Margaret Byrne resigned.

Ms Byrne admitted 'a serious error of judgment' in advising the board that the star winger could carry on playing after he was initially suspended last March.
Johnson, a £10 million signing, helped the Wearside team to narrowly avoid relegation from the Premier League last year.

The player - who was capped 12 times for England - has a one-year-old daughter with Ms Flounders, who supported him during the court case but who told the jury they were now just friends.


Judge Jonathan Rose's comments in court today

Judge Jonathan Rose said today:

'In my view that offence is also a Category A offence in terms of culpability. I identify the following factors as being present: There was undoubtedly significant planning involved, in the communications and in the arrangement of meetings.

There is an abuse of trust, inasmuch as those who enjoy positions of what today is known as 'celebrity' are trusted by their fans and the family of fans to act in an entirely appropriate manner towards, in particular, young people who are less able to protect themselves.

You solicited sexual images of [the victim], albeit that you did not receive any naked photographs of her.
There was a significant disparity in age; [she] was 15 and you 27 at the time.

I identify the following aggravating factors: the location and timing of the offence – the dark and secluded location and the efforts to dispose of or conceal evidence.
You made to have [the victim] dispose of the WhatsApp messages and you yourself deleted over 800 messages.

You required the subsequent change to using Snapchat messages because they would automatically delete.

You repeatedly directed [the victim] that she should tell no one what was happening as between you.

A further aggravating factor in such cases is where there is severe psychological harm...

I have read with care the reports to which I have already referred and listed with care to Dr Hopley.

It seems to me they speak of a person with a gift for football who enjoyed success from an early age, yet whose immaturity both physical and mental caused difficulties and may in part explain why, notably when you had moved to play for Manchester City you embarked on an extensive social life which involved sexual activity on a very frequent basis with a number of different partners, even when you were ostensibly in a settled relationship.

...Accordingly, the total sentence is one of 6 years' imprisonment... The sentence you must serve will doubtless contribute to deterring you from future offending.'

Disgraced footballer Adam Johnson will leave his £2million mansion behind tonight and faces humiliation at Armley prison during his first night behind bars.

Millionaire Adam Johnson will experience quite the culture shock this evening after leaving behind his lavish footballer lifestyle behind in exchange for his new existence as a prisoner.

The 28-year-old has been taken to HM Prison Leeds in Armley for his first night in custody, before he is likely to be transferred to Frankland, where he will swap sharing the pitch with Wayne Rooney and Joe Hart for sharing a prison with inmates such as child killers Levi Bellfield and Ian Huntley.

One of the country's most notorious and roughest jails, Frankland in Durham houses 808 category A and B prisoners serving four years or more.

After arriving at Armley for the first time directly from Bradford Crown Court via prison van, Johnson will be handed over to reception staff who will book him in, cataloging all his personal possessions such as money, jewellery and clothes.

He will be asked to verify who he is and then given a unique prison number, before being led to his cell for the night having been issued prison clothing.

During his first night, Johnson will be on strict suicide watch, with prison guards tasked with continually checking up on him, even waking him as he sleeps to make sure he is still alive.

As a high profile inmate and one who has been convicted of child sex offences, Johnson is likely to be given increased security from prison staff who will be fearful that he may be attacked by fellow inmates.

Adam Johnson's teenage victim was so traumatised after giving evidence for two days during the trial she took an overdose

Adam Johnson's victim took an overdose of tablets after two gruelling days being cross-examined at his trial, it can be revealed today.
The youngster was rushed to hospital the night after her second day of questioning via a video-link by Johnson's QC, Orlando Pownall.

The girl, who broke down after telling the court she'd been called 'every name under the sun' since Johnson's arrest, was later discharged by doctors.

The dose of the over-the-counter medicine she took was not lethal and she returned home with her family later the same night.
The details of her desperate actions were previously the subject of a court order but can be reported today after Johnson's case concluded and he was jailed for six years.

Today's sentencing hearing heard the girl has suffered 'severe psychological harm' because of the ex-Sunderland star's actions.

Prosecutor Kate Blackwell QC told Bradford Crown Court: 'The most apparent feature in the view of the Crown is the severe psychological harm that the defendant has caused to the victim.'

The court heard that the victim had suffered at school both in her schoolwork and with bullying because of Johnson's crimes.

When she was out with her grandparents, the girl was even approached by a stranger who questioned her relationship with the footballer, the court heard.

The prosecutor also pointed to the harassment of the victim on social media, saying those close to the player 'encouraged and promoted' the abuse by providing a social media platform.

Miss Blackwell told the court: 'He must have been aware of conduct carried out in his name.'

Miss Blackwell read part of the girl's impact statement to the court, which said: 'This whole experience has been overwhelming. Through the process I have had many hard times.' She said she now 'felt at risk' going out.

The statement said that because Johnson had protested his innocence she 'felt very intimidated by it all and felt very lonely. I have entered many dark places over this 12-month period and at times wanted to just shut the whole world out'.

The teenage victim's mother said in a statement that her family had 'taken no satisfaction' in the impact the case had on Johnson's family and stressed that at no time had they tried to seek any financial gain.

'My family and I take no satisfaction in the impact it has had on his family and football fans.'
The victim's mother added that her daughter had been the victim of thousands of 'slanderous' and 'malicious' remarks and threats of violence on social media.

The mother said she had felt 'powerless', adding: 'A mother's instinct is to protect and support their children.'
Speaking after Johnson was jailed, Detective Inspector Aelfwynn Sampson, of Durham Constabulary, said: 'This girl should have been safe but she was used by the public figure she looked up to most.
'I hope today will bring some closure for her and her family.

'This case demonstrates that victims of these crimes will be taken seriously and perpetrators will be dealt with robustly.'

In a statement released through the police, the victim said:

'From the very beginning of all of this I always doubted that people would believe me. I was talking to Adam Johnson, it was surreal for me. He was my favourite football player for Sunderland, a club I was a massive supporter of. As a Sunderland fan I absolutely idolised Adam.

He was my hero. I attended the home games whenever I could. It was something I looked forward to.When Adam messaged me I was in shock and disbelief. I didn't even believe it was Adam at first. He had to prove to me that it was him because it was that surreal.

The victim had to watch Johnson worshipped by football crowds while she was branded 'a liar, a slut and a slag'
He offered me a match-worn signed shirt so I was obviously over the moon. He asked me straight away how old I was and I said '15' because I didn't see it as a problem as I was only getting a signed shirt.

In fact, I told him that I had only just turned 15. I was overwhelmed by all of this. This was my favourite player and he was texting me.

I felt used and let down by him. It's been the hardest year of my life and I've had to face so much abuse after he claimed his innocence. I was made out to be a liar, if anything, I held things back because I didn't want all of this to come out.

What happened in his car has turned my life upside down. I have lost all of my confidence. My school work has suffered.
There are people out there who have made assumptions about me and that alone has been hard to deal with. I have been unable to defend myself publically.

The gossip on social media and hearing all of the horrible names that people have been calling me has been devastating to me, my friends and my family. People were lying about me and what I had said.
They don't understand the impact their words can have on someone. Him being found guilty, shows everyone I was telling the truth.

I hope people can see that everything is not always as it first seems and opinions should only be based on facts and not on rumours.

The last 12 months have been horrendous and there have been times when I've wanted to hide away from the world. There have been times I haven't felt able to face people.

There have been times when I've tried not to show people how upset I am, but sometimes it hasn't been possible and I'd just cry. I've felt so broken.

I've been in some very dark places over that time and I thought the trial and giving evidence, having my say, would give me closure. But it didn't. It put me back into the same dark places and I felt worse than I've ever felt before. This was because I still didn't feel believed.

I feel sad for Stacey and what she has been through. I hope Adam realises the hurt and damage he has caused. I now want to put this awful experience behind me and begin to rebuild my life. I hope I can move on from this and look to the future.'


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  1. This is sad and I honestly don't even know the kind of comment to pass... Speechless!!!

  2. Of course it's sad. Very sad indeed, for girl I hope she can be well again and for the guy well it's over.

  3. Society nowadays, many wrongs deeds happening all over and you don't even know what is what. Very sad, am deeply sorry for both families.
