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Pike Is Out of Control on The 100: Who's Been Sentenced to Death?

The CW
So how did The 100 deal with Lexa's death?

This week, it didn't. After we got a not-at-all restful break from the tensions at Arkadia last week, we had a lot to deal with this week.

Things definitely did not get better as the grounder blockade went up and the Arkadians started to run low on resources, and if you were hoping for Bellamy to make better choices, it was a long wait.

He barely hesitated before shooting the two grounders who came to explain the terms of the blockade, and continued to follow Pike's orders as he nearly started a civil war.

Pike went on the offensive in search of the Arkadians who were spying on him and leaking his orders, which Kane then took advantage of. Sinclair got himself arrested so he could communicate with Lincoln in the prison and help orchestrate a massive prison break, and it almost worked, until it didn't.

Instead, Kane got arrested for real, and Pike sentenced him to death. Only then did Bellamy really start to ask questions, and finally made a better choice by getting Monty to not tell his mom that he identified who else was working with Pike.

Hopefully, there's still time for the two of them to actually do something, because things are looking seriously bleak.

The CW
Meanwhile, Raven started to battle Alie's influence and her own feelings as she realized what Alie had actually taken from her. Jasper helped her remember Finn after Raven realized she couldn't even remember when they first kissed.

Alie was pretty distraught for a virtual robot. She knew that free will was part of her programming, but no one had ever not listened to her before.

"Raven's strong," Jaha told her, which is the understatement of the century.
At this point, however, the City of Light and its lack of pain is sounding more and more appealing, since Arkadia has become nothing but pain.

Now, we have to wait until March 31 to find out not only whether Kane actually makes it to his execution but also what affect Lexa's death has on this very fragile political world. Needless to say, we'll be spending the next few weeks very nervous.

The 100 airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on the CW.


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