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Barack Obama: Brexit would put UK at 'back of the queue' in trade talks - live

It is Obama’s fifth visit to the UK, Cameron says.
He says he and Obama have worked together during difficult times.

The “strong and essential partnership” between our countries has never been more important, he says.
He says when Churchill first talked about the special relationship 70 years ago, he was talking about a way of working together, they are both committed to economic security, and to completing the EU/US trade deal.

Rolling coverage of all the day’s political developments, including President Obama’s visit to London and his press conference with David Cameron

Obama says having a trade deal just with the US would be “hugely inefficient”.
Obama says UK will go to "the back of the queue' for trade deals with US if it leave EU

They are now taking questions.

Q: [To Obama] You know your comments are controversially. Leave campaigners say you are hypocritical because Americans would never accept the level of immigration from Mexico we accept from the EU. How do you react? And what happens if the UK votes to leave?

Obama says this is a matter for Britons. He is not here to vote. He is offering his opinion. In a democracy you should want as much information as possible. Giving a view is not a threat.

He says the Leave side are saying what they think the US will do. He figures people might like to hear from the president of the US what it will do.

Obama says the UK would go to the ‘back of the queue” if it leaves the EU when it comes to trade deals with the US. He says a US/EU trade deal is “not going to happen any time soon”. The US would focus on trade deals with the EU and big trade blocs, he suggests.

Obama says after WW2 the US allowed itself to be constrained by joining international bodies.
But it did so because it realised that it would be stronger that one

There was a British poet who said “no man is an island”, he says. And that is true, even for an island as beautiful as this.

Obama says Americans 'want Britain's influence to grow' by staying in EU

Obama says they discussed the EU referendum.

Ultimately this is for British voters, he says.

But, as part of the special relationship, part of being friends is to say what you think. And it is a matter of “deep interests” to the US because it affects US interests. The UK is at its best when it is in the EU. As he wrote in his op-ed, the EU helps the UK magnify its power. And that is good for America.

Americans want Britain’s influence to grow, including within Europe.

Obama says all of us cherish our sovereignty.

But the US also recognises it strengthens its security through bodies like Nato.

In the 21st century, the nations with power won’t be those that go it alone. They will be the ones that act together.

Obama says the special relationship with the UK is very important to him.

He says Cameron has become a good friend to him.

The depth and breadth of the special relationship have helped them tackle problems like Ebola, the Iran nuclear problem and climate change.

He says they discussed challenges to shared security. They are determined to role back and defeat Isil (Isis).

They have to improve security and information sharing across Europe, he says.

Obama says Queen is a 'jewel to the world' and one of his favourite people

President Obama is speaking now.

He says he has never been driven by a Duke of Edinburgh before. It was a very smooth ride.

He says the Queen is one of his favourite people. She is an “astonishing person” and a “jewel to the world”.

He says if he reaches 90, he hopes to be as lively as she is.

Cameron says EU membership is a 'powerful tool' for prosperity and security
Cameron says he and Obama are friends. “Barack” is someone who gives sage advice, and has a very good heart, and is a friend of the United Kingdom.

He says Britain’s reach is amplified by its membership of the EU.

He says there is no one more keen on the special relationship. But being in the EU does not constrain that. He says being in international groups helps the government deliver for people. Membership of the EU is a “powerful tool” allowing the government to deliver prosperity and security, he says.

Cameron says there are many more challenges.

The situation in Libya is “immensely challenging”, but there is now a government of national accord with which they can work.

He says they are continuing the fight against Daesh (Isis) in Iraq and Syria.

And he says they discussed the migration crisis. This does not directly affect the US, but they discussed how Nato could contribute to the fight against people smugglers in central Mediterranean.
They will discuss this further at a summit in Hanover on Monday.

Cameron says John Kerry, the US secretary of state, will attend the London corruption summit. He discussed this with Obama. They would like to see an international anti-corruption coordination centre.


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