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Nigerian Custom Officers Attacked By Smugglers In Ogun State

Officers and Men of Nigeria Customs service were attacked by smugglers while on patrol along Ogun/Ole-Odan axis of Ogun State. Four suspects have been arrested in connection to the attack. The operation led to the seizure of 11 motor cycles which was used as a means of conveyance of 250 bags of smuggled rice.

A statement by Nigeria Customs Service said the attack will not in anyway deter Service from performing its statutory functions most especially in the area of anti-smuggling operations. Below is a statement issued on April 16 by the command on its Anti- Smuggling Campaign.

"Anti-smuggling activity is one of the responsibilities of the Nigeria Customs Service towards safeguarding the health and wellbeing of every Nigerians by protecting our various borders against illegal importation of items that will pose security challenge to the nation.

Injured Officers
 In carry out this responsibility and collecting maximum revenue into the coffers of the Federal Government, Officers and Men of the Nigeria Customs Service are often been attacked by Smugglers.

These incessant attacks on Officers and Men of Nigeria Customs Service on patrol by “dare devil” smugglers have led to so many deaths and series of injuries recorded in the Service. In some cases, Officers and Men are left with deep machete cuts and various degrees of injuries.

The Service does not make laws but implement and enforce Government Fiscal policies as it concerns trade. Enforcement of these policies means compelling people to comply and this makes Customs work more difficult and challenging.

The government is making all efforts to ensure that all revenue meant for the government are collected and remitted. Encourage local industries and revive industries that have been closed down due to smuggling activities.

The launch of operation “hawk descend” an anti-smuggling campaign against the smugglers of frozen poultry products sometime last year witnessed a massive seizure of frozen poultry products across the country. This has brought about attitudinal change by the consumers who now prefer local poultry products to the imported product.

Despite this unhealthy confrontation from the saboteurs of our economy “dare devil smugglers”, the Nigeria Customs Service of today will not spare anybody found in this illegal act. We will crush smugglers out of their illegal business as we have what it takes to bring them down."

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