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FBI says haul of data on San Bernardino iPhone has helped answer key remaining questions into terrorist couple

The FBI has found new data that has helped answer some remaining questions in the probe against the San Bernardino terrorists after successfully hacking into their iPhone.

Investigators say they are confident that terrorist Syed Farook didn't make contact with another plotter during an 18-minute gap that was missing from the FBI's time line of the attackers' location after the mass shooting

Investigators say they are confident that terrorist Syed Farook didn't make contact with another plotter during an 18-minute gap that was missing from the FBI's time line of the attackers' location after the mass shooting, CNN reported.

In addition, the iPhone has helped authorities address concerns that were lingering about whether the two had help from family and friends, officials say.

According to CNN, the iPhone did not contain evidence that the couple had contacts with other ISIS supporters and that they did not use encrypted communications during the 18-minute gap the FBI was worried about.

Officials said the FBI views the information as valuable to the probe, especially since it couldn't discount it without getting in the phone.

The FBI hired hackers to gain access into the device, which was part of a legal dispute between the government and Apple.
The tech giant argued that the FBI already had obtained relevant data from the terrorists' iCloud account that was linked to the phone and other data that wasn't stored on the phone itself.

Apple claimed that breaking into it would be of little use.
However, the government contended that it couldn't be 100 percent sure until they had access to the data stored on the phone itself.

Declining to offer more specifics, FBI investigators concluded there was data on the phone they did not have previously, CNN reported.

Officials said the data is still being analyzed and more leads are also being followed, CNN reported. 


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