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'I really could care less:' Hillary Clinton rolls her eyes at Donald Trump's new nickname for her - 'crooked Hillary'

Hillary Clinton was not too impressed with Donald Trump's new nickname for her – 'crooked Hillary' 

'He can say whatever he wants to say about me, I really could care less,' the former secretary of state told George Stephanopoulos on ABC's This Week when he asked for her reaction.

The Republican frontrunner dinged the Democratic frontrunner with the new nickname during a campaign rally in Watertown, New York on Saturday his latest concoction that's along the lines of 'lyin' Ted' Cruz, 'little Marco' Rubio and 'low energy' Jeb Bush.

Trump implied that Clinton was 'crooked' because she took money from donors.

'So I'm self funding. All of this is mine. When I fly in, it's on my dime, right? It's on mine. And what does that mean?' Trump told his crowd. 'that means I'm not controlled by the special interests, by the lobbyists.'
'They can control crooked Hillary and they can control lyin' Ted Cruz right?' Trump said.

When Clinton was asked about it, she wouldn't completely bite. 

'I don't respond to Donald Trump and his string of insults about me,' she said. 'I can take care of myself.'

'I look forward to running against him if he turns out to be the Republican nominee if I am the Democratic nominee,' Clinton continued. 

Clinton said she disapproved of 'how he goes after everybody else.' 

'He goes after women. He goes after Muslims. He goes after immigrants. He goes after people with disabilities,' she noted.
'He is hurting our unity at home. Uh, he is undermining the values that we stand for in New York and across America. And he's hurting us around the world,' she said.
Both Clinton and Trump are fighting for votes in New York in advance of the state's Tuesday primary.

At last polling, Clinton was still 10 points ahead in the new CBS/YouGov poll that came out today in the state she was twice elected by to serve in the U.S. Senate.

Clinton is at 53 percent to Sen. Bernie Sanders' 43 percent. 

Trump, a creature of the Manhattan real estate world, was up 33 points in the same poll against rivals Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
Trump receives 54 percent support from Republicans, versus 21 percent for Cruz and 19 percent for Kasich. 
During her interview with Stephanopoulos, Clinton again said she would only release her Wall Street speech transcripts only if other candidates did too.

Sanders has repeatedly hit his rival on delivering these speeches – and for taking money from Wall Street – suggesting that she's beholden to these interests. 

In turn, she's called his assumption an 'artful smear.'

Sanders is barred from delivering paid speeches as a member of the U.S. Senate. 

Stephanopoulos asked Clinton if releasing the speeches would reveal her praising Wall Street.
'No, I don't have any concerns like that,' she replied. I'm just concerned about a constantly changing set of standards for everybody else but me,' she said.

'You know, we have certain expectations when you run for president, one of which is release all of your tax returns, ever since you've been in public life,' she said.
Clinton acknowledged that 33 years of her taxes are in the public domain.

Sanders just released his first year's worth of tax returns this weekend. 

'Now, all of a sudden, there is a new standard,' Clinton said of the calls to release the speeches. 'And I've said when it applies to everybody, you bet I will meet that standard as well.' 

Stephanopoulos reminded Clinton that Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a Clinton supporter, had said she would release the speeches 'at the appropriate time.'

'Well, in accordance with the standard that I've set, I absolutely will do,' Clinton said, meaning that all the candidates, from both parties, would have to release the transcripts of any paid speeches they've given.

'I absolutely will do, i will do that,' she said. 'I've said that repeatedly.'

Clinton was also asked about a piece of legislation that would pit her either against President Obama or New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, who will become the Democratic leader in the Senate next year after Sen. Harry Reid retires.

The bill would allow families of 9/11 victims to sue foreign sponsors of terror in federal court.

Schumer supports it, while Obama opposes it.

Clinton pleaded ignorance.

'I don't really know about that, George, I'd have to look into it,' Clinton answered.

'Obviously, we've got to make anyone who participates in or supports terrorism pay a price, and we also have to be aware of any consequences that might affect Americans, either military or civilian or our nation.'
Stephanopoulos seemed surprised by her answer.

'You don't know about this issue? It's been around for several years,' he said.

'Well I know there's been an issue about it for quite some time, I don't know about the specific legislation that you're referring to. But obviously, I'll look into it,' she replied.

When Stephanopoulos again followed up, asking the former secretary of state if she supported or opposed the legislation, she said she didn't know. 

'I can't, I haven't studied it,' she said.

'Unlike some people – I do try to learn what's at the core of any question before I offer an opinion, because you know it's not enough to say what's wrong, I think you've got a responsibility to say how you're going to fix it,' she said, knocking both the unpreparedness of Donald Trump and the flowery language of Bernie Sanders. 


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