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ISIS has released new images purporting to show the executions of two 'spies' in it's 'caliphate capital in Syria.

A series of photographs taken from 'first-person shooter game'-angles show the public executions of two men, entitled 'Harvest of the Spies', in Raqqa, Syria.

The photographs show the two men being condemned to crucifixion, before being shot and killed in front of a large crowd, including dozens of women and children.

ISIS executions: A series of photographs taken from 'first-person shooter'-angles show the public killings of two men accused of spying on ISIS

The series of images was released on Wednesday via ISIS's own propaganda channel  'Wilayat ar-Raqqah', meaning 'Province of Raqqa'.

It shows two men, both dressed in orange boiler suits, with ISIS officials reading out accusations to the crowd, reportedly that the men have spied on behalf of the enemies of the terror group.

The first of the two men is seen being taken to a makeshift cross by ISIS militants while blindfolded.

He is then bound to the cross by several masked jihadists wearing camouflage gear before the charges are read out.
The alleged spy is then shot at close range by a jihadist with a camera mounted on the chest of the executioner, an angle seen in so called 'first person shooter' video games.

The man's dead body is then seen with a message in Arabic written on a large piece of paper, allegedly warning others of committing the same 'crime'.
The second accused spy is strung up on a similar construction in front of the crowd before he too is shot at close range.  

An ISIS official with a black scarf wrapped around his head then reads out the accusations of spying

Killed by terrorists: The images were released by ISIS's own 'news' channel, and allegedly shows the public executions of two 'spies'

Public event: The executions were purported to have been held in front of a crowd of men, women and children

Murdered: Images of the two men who appear to later be executed in public by ISIS are shown

Murdered: Images of the two men who appear to later be executed in public by ISIS are shown

The first of the two alleged spies is hoisted up on a metal cross and tied to the construction

Deterrent: After the man is strung up and shot, a message in Arabic is pinned to his body, allegedly warning others of spying on behalf of ISIS's enemies

This type of public execution of men accused of being 'spies' has become common during the terrorist group's brutal reign in its self-declared 'caliphate' in Syria and Iraq.

Also common have been the professionally produced images and videos of the executions, which are then cabled out across the globe through ISIS's own channels and social media accounts.

The images of the comes after this week's announcement that British special forces commandos are preparing for a deadly two-headed attack against ISIS in Syria.

SAS and SBS troops will join with regiments from France and the US in launching ground and air attacks, aimed at regaining the area, and cutting off extremist forces from their stronghold in Raqqa.


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