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EU to fine countries 'hundreds of millions of pounds' for refusing to take refugees

The European Commission will impose fines of hundreds of millions of pounds on countries that do not take in refugees.
Jean-Claude Junker is tomorrow expected to unveil plans to impose a penalty of around €250,000 euros per rejected refugee, in a bid to salvage his botched migration quota scheme.

Jean-Claude Juncker and David Cameron spoke by phone on Monday night

The European Commission is expected to propose on Wednesday that an emergency scheme to distribute 160,000 people around the bloc following the massive influx last summer be put on a permanent footing, with a quota system of allocations that kick in if there is another vast wave of migrants that overwhelms a country.

The new plan comes despite the temporary scheme having proved a flop. It was approved against the wishes of Poland, Slovakia, Romania and Hungary in September, and so far, 1,441 people have been moved.
“Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results,” remarked one diplomat.

Eastern European states opposed the scheme for two reasons: because they said refugee admissions should be a sovereign national decision; and because many of their voters are virulently opposed to Muslim immigration. Britain is exempt due to its historic opt-out on justice matters.

An Afghan man grabs an EU flag next to his tent at Idomeni camp, on the Greek-Macedonian border
The Commission has blamed national governments for failing to offer enough places for migrants.  But the statistics back up the testimony of aid workers and EU officials who say the scheme has flopped migrants have no desire to be “relocated” to poor eastern European states when they would rather go to Germany or Sweden.

Indeed, under current offers of places, there are 5,989 spaces unused, including  40 in Slovenia, 480 in Romania, 1,298 in Bulgaria and 100 in Poland.
Mr Juncker now faces another bruising row as he attempts to pass the plans through the European Council. 

“It’s a really huge figure,” said one stunned official who had seen the plans. “The fine really is very high.”

Hungary, for example, has offered no places but was allocated a quota of 1,294 – leaving it with a potential bill of €323 million.
It is expected that the plan will, in times of emergency, replace the Dublin rule which says asylum seekers must be returned to the first country they arrive in.

That scheme broke down during the crisis as Greece was overwhelmed. But it is highly valued by Britain as it allowed around 1,000 people a year to be deported, and scrapping that rule could encourage people to attempt the dangerous Calais crossing.

One EU source said they believed Britain would retain the Dublin powers, as well as being exempt from the quota scheme. Mr Cameron spoke to Mr Juncker to discuss “upcoming legislative proposals” in a phone call last night.

There is quiet satisfaction among British officials that Mr Cameron's original proposal - to forget about quotas and instead focus on taking in vulnerable refugees directly from camps near Syria - has proven more successful.


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