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'If I'm not around, my prediction is Trump wins': Suicide suspected in death of Indiana political blogger after ominous last column

Police are investigating the 'tragic suicide' of a prominent political blogger after his final column predicted an Indiana win for Donald Trump.

Gary Welsh, who wrote the highly respected conservative blog  Advance Indiana, was found dead in the stairwell of an apartment block in Park Avenue, Indianapolis, on Sunday, the Indy Star reports.
The witness, who discovered the body shortly before 8am, told police that they had seen a gun lying next to the body. Welsh was pronounced dead at the scene by medics.

Gary Welsh, who wrote the respected conservative blog Advance Indiana, was found dead in the stairwell of an apartment block on Sunday

Welsh, who was a practicing attorney, was renowned for his no-nonsense posts which took aim at Democrats and Republicans alike.
His final post, published on Friday, was discussing the latest poll results in Republican presidential race.

In an article which now seems tragically ominous, Welsh made his prediction of which candidate would win between Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
'If I'm not around to see the vote results, my prediction is that Trump wins Indiana with just shy of 50% of the vote,' he said.

'But he will carry every single congressional district and sweep the delegates—assuming the party-chosen delegates honor their rules-bound commitment to support the winner on the first ballot.'

Several of his readers appeared to have become alarmed by the worrying post.

Marycatherine Barton wrote: 'Btw, Gary, should we read any foreboding in your words about 'if you are around for the election results.' Take care of yourself, please.'

Welsh is suspected to have taken his own life just two days later.

His friend and fellow attorney, Jim Klimek, who worked across the hall from Welsh, told the Indiana Business Journal that the blogger had seemed depressed recently and had been concerned that his blog was barely making money.

Police are investigating his death as a 'tragic suicide' blogger after his final column predicted a win for Donald Trump

The 53-year-old had been blogging for more than a decade as 'a way of communicating my discontent with the political state of affairs in Indiana.'

Welsh's body was taken to the Marion County Coroner's Office, where an autopsy is expected to be performed Monday.
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department said that an official cause of death will be announced shortly.

For confidential support in the U.S., call the National Suicide Prevention Line on 1-800-273-8255.
For confidential support call the Samaritans on 08457 90 90 90, visit a local Samaritans branch or see www.samaritans.org.


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