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Prince’s Family Heads Back To Court After Sister Storms Out In Fight Over $300 Million Estate

If Prince’s death wasn’t tragic enough, his family’s having a major legal battle over his $300 million fortune. After Prince’s sister, Tyka Nelson, stormed out on her half-siblings, the family headed back to court to fight over Prince’s money. Click to watch.

When Prince sang “Let’s Go Crazy,” he probably didn’t mean that his family should lose their minds over inheriting his money. However, Tyka Nelson, 56, and the rest of Prince’s half-siblings are ready to clash over who gets the biggest slice of Prince’s purple estate.

Prince’s family is heading back to court to argue over splitting his $300 million dollars, per TMZ.

While dividing up a dead sibling’s fortune is awkward enough, things have reportedly turned sour while as Tyka feels she’s entitled to more than 1/6 of the $300 million dollars, according to TMZ.

Tyka reportedly thinks that since she’s Prince’s only full sibling (while the five others are half-brothers and half-sisters) she should thus get a greater share of the estate. Uh-oh. On top of that, Tyka and half-brother Alfred Nelson reportedly got into a fight since Tyka didn’t invite him to the private family memorial service. Things got so heated after Alfred accused Tyka of disrespecting him that she stormed out! Click here to stream Prince’s music Unlimited and Ad-Free.

All this family drama could have been avoided if Prince simply made a will, but the late “Kiss” singer didn’t have one! A judge confirmed this shocking revelation, decreeing that the Bremer Trust would serve as administrator of Prince’s full estate until a family representative is picked.

Despite Tyka’s claim to a greater share of the fortune, she and Prince weren’t the closest of family members. Prince thought his sister was “crazy,” according to Tyka. Plus, while he was becoming one of the biggest musicians in history, Tyka was struggling with drug addiction while working as a prostitute.
Prince tried to help his sister get sober, but after she sold her story to the National Enquirer in 2003, Prince all but cut Tyka out of her life. They patched things up in 2008, but Prince probably wouldn’t be happy over this latest family drama.

Do you think Prince’s family should fight over his fortune? Or should they accept the judge’s ruling and split things equally?


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