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Woman driver who was on her mobile phone when she hit and killed a seven-year-old boy is fined just £90 and given five points on her licence

A woman was fined just £90 and given five points on her licence for killing a seven-year-old boy she knocked down when she was driving while using her mobile phone.
Amy Asker, 36, ploughed into schoolboy Seth Dixon - known as Smiler - as he was crossing the road near his home in Tydd Gote, Lincolnshire.

Amy Asker, 36, ploughed into schoolboy Seth Dixon (pictured) as he was crossing the road near his home in Tydd Gote, Lincolnshire

She was speaking to a friend on her phone at the time - one of seven calls she made during the short journey from her mother's home in her green Ford Mondeo.

The device was sitting in a pocket on the driver's door and on loudspeaker at the time.

Fighting back tears during an inquest into the boy's death, Asker said she did not see Seth as she drove towards him, and only became aware of his presence on impact.

She denied that speaking on her phone had in any way distracted her.

However, coroner Paul Cooper stressed that he was convinced it was a factor in the young boy's death.
He said: 'Amy Asker was charged with dangerous driving. If she was not using her phone she may have seen Seth earlier.
'I believe her using the phone while driving contributed to the child's death.' 

The hearing in Boston, Lincolnshire, heard how Seth was crossing Station Road, Tydd Gote, when he was mowed down on December 5, 2014, about 4pm.
He was taken to Addenbrooke's Hospital Cambridge, where he died on December 19 as a result of head injuries sustained in the accident.

The inquest heard that Asker had been on her phone to friend Katy Wheals, with the mobile placed in the pocket of the driver's door on loud speaker when the collision happened.
She said: 'I was driving at about 27mph. I did not see him. I could not do anything. I had my side lights on as it was beginning to get dark.

'My phone was on speakerphone as I had no hands free in the car.

'I do not think my driving was impaired by being on the phone. It would have been no different to a passenger sat next to me talking.'
The inquest heard how a number of calls made in Amy's phone had been deleted after the crash but she had no idea how that had happened.
PC Mark Brown, in giving evidence, said the weather was fine and the road lit with street lights when Seth was struck.

Ms Asker, 33, was fined £90 after admitting a charge of careless driving rather than the more serious offence of causing death by dangerous driving when she appeared before magistrates.
She was also ordered to pay a £20 victims' surcharge and £80 costs.

Speaking after the inquest, Seth's mother Alice Husband, 42, said of Asker: 'She will be serving a sentence in her own mind for the rest of her life.

'No prison sentence would change that or make her feel any worse.

'All it would do is separate another mother from her children and those children should not be the ones to suffer.'
She added: 'I don't blame her for what happened. It was an innocent mistake that led to tragic circumstances.

'She didn't get in her car that day and mean for what happened to happen. It was devastating and it's ruined her life as well as ours. But it won't help anyone or anything to go around blaming her.
'I've forgiven her and I want to remember Seth for the smiley, happy, much loved little boy that he was.'

Alice, who is also mother to Oliver, 16, and Jake, 12, said Seth had crossed the road almost every day of his life.
She said: 'He'd grown up in that house where the postbox was directly opposite.

'Of course I taught him the important of stopping, looking and listening but it was in the lead up to Christmas and he was excited.

'He popped out to post a letter for me, it was getting dark and he was small for his age so she may not have seen him.

'I don't believe she wouldn't have done everything in her power to stop if she had have done.'
She continued: 'It was the worst day of my life and I will never forget my amazing son. He didn't deserve to lose his life in such a tragic way.
'He was loved by everyone who met him, and nicknamed "Smiler" because he always had a grin on his face.

'He was a classic little boy who loved building fires and getting dirty in the mud. He was kind and generous and loved his brothers.
'Life will never be the same without him.'

Road safety campaigners branded that an 'insult' to Seth's family.

Alice Bailey, campaigns adviser for road safety charity Brake, condemned the sentence handed to her.
She said: 'The driver's explanation and the subsequent fine and penalty points are an insult to the family.

'This tragic story illustrates why driving when distracted can be deadly. We're calling on the Government to make all phone use in vehicles, illegal.
'Even when speaking on a hands free unit, your reaction times are 30 per cent slower than if you were at the current drink-drive limit in England and Wales.

'Having a conversation with a passenger in a car is very different, they can perceive hazards and understand the road conditions and behave accordingly.'


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