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BREAKING NEWS: David Cameron QUITS as Prime Minister after voters trigger political earthquake by backing Brexit in referendum

David Cameron has announced his resignation as Prime Minister after the historic EU referendum delivered clear backing for Brexit.

The Prime Minister said he accepted the verdict of the 'great democratic exercise' which saw the Leave campaign triumph after stacking up votes across England and Wales - despite massive support for Remain in Scotland and major cities including London.

The Pound nose-dived to its lowest level against the US dollar for 31 years as traders took fright at the news, and the stock market slumped by 8 per cent within minutes of opening. SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon has already raised the prospect of a second independence referendum in Scotland.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is also coming under intense pressure over his role in the botched Remain campaign. Flanked by wife Samantha, Mr Cameron said he had been 'proud' to serve as PM for the past six years.

But he added: 'The will of the British people must be respected.'


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