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Kim Kardashian & Kanye West’s $1 Billion Divorce: She’s Over His Wild Rants — Report

Kim Kardashian has had enough of Kanye West’s wild rants, and she’s pulling the plug on their marriage, according to a new report. Get the scoop here!

The entity known as Kimye may not be long for this world, as Kim Kardashian, 35, reportedly gears up to divorce Kanye West, 38. A report says that there’s $1 billion at stake, Kim is suing Kanye for full custody, and they’ve been sleeping in separate beds for 9 months, plus more. Read on and just try to keep up with all the kraziness going down!

Is Kim finally quitting Kanye? Star magazine reports that the KUWTK star is lawyering up and preparing to hit Kanye with everything she’s got during the divorce proceedings. “She’s putting on this happy face and keeping the truth from Kanye, because he’ll explode if he finds out.

He’s so moody and controlling. He micromanages everything from what she wears to what they do in the bedroom. They argue all the time. Kim is exhausted and just can’t take it anymore,” a source tells the mag. “His behavior is getting more out of control by the day. It’s no way to live. Kim is planning her escape before things get even uglier.”

The couple has been fighting like crazy, the report continues — mostly because Kim is sick of his crazy rants. “Kim is embarrassed by Kanye. His tirades and behaving like he’s God are cringeworthy for her. It’s just one thing after another, and Kim doesn’t know when it’s going to stop.” They were going to go to Cannes together this year, “but they had a huge fight before they were supposed to leave. She told Kanye to ‘stay the hell away from her’ and left him at home”, an insider says. Ouch!

Kanye has also fired people he considers to be “rivals” from Kim’s staff, according to the mag. “He lined up a bunch of men who he deemed ‘too attractive’ — from landscapers to security people, hair and makeup artists and business consultants — and gave them their walking papers. Kanye is clearly limiting his wife’s exposure to temptation. He tells friends that Kim is just too hot for heterosexual men to resist, so he replaced those guys with women or openly gay men.” How crazy is that?!

Naturally, Kim is furious at his hypocrisy: “It’s OK for him to employ gorgeous women, but it’s not all right the other way round. He’s got some serious double standards,” a source says.

Plus, Kanye is blowing through Kim’s $85 million: “Kim is paying for the renovations Kanye has demanded on their Hidden Hills home. He’s constantly taking her money to pay for his random ideas, which he thinks are genius, but they never come to fruition,” another insider says. “Kanye will have something installed and end up hating it, only to have it ripped out. He’s the reason it’s taken more than two years to renovate. Kim’s tired of throwing all her money into it.” We would be, too!

Finally, Kim is just a few steps away from divorcing Kanye for the sake of her family. “Kanye’s so aggressive and defensive that it’s impossible for Kim to talk to him. It’s at the stage where they can’t get through a day without at least one or two explosions. If Kim calls it quits, she’ll fight for the custody of North and Saint and he won’t have a leg to stand on,” another insider says. “Kanye is so crazy that Kim worries about him being around the children. She wants to protect her family.” Totally understood.

Do you think Kim and Kanye will really get divorced? Tell us how you feel about this!


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