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Michael Jackson’s Estate Slams New Child Porn Collection Allegations — Read Statement

‘Enough is enough!’ That’s what Michael Jackson’s estate said, when denying recent allegations regarding a reported porn collection found on the star’s property in 2003. After the alleged police report was posted online, MJ’s estate released a statement — see it here.

Michael Jackson‘s estate claims a recent report, which seems to prove the singer had an extensive child porn collection inside his home, is nothing but “tabloid trash.” Even though the newly released police documents and a raid video claim Michael had a secret sex closet full of naked images of children and disturbing pics of animal cruelty, his estate said it’s just another sorry attempt to “exploit” the singer days before the anniversary of his June 25, 2009 death.

After the report and video emerged, the estate of Michael Jackson released the following statement, according to Billboard:

Seven years ago this coming Saturday, the world lost an amazing artist and humanitarian devoted to helping children in need in all corners of the world. Michael Jackson’s fans, including the Executors of his estate, prefer to remember the wonderful gifts Michael left behind instead of having to once again see his good name dragged through the mud by tabloid trash.

Everything in these reports, including what the County of Santa Barbara calls “content that appears to be obtained off the Internet or through unknown sources” is false, no doubt timed to the anniversary of Michael’s passing. Those who continue to shamelessly exploit Michael via sleazy internet “click bait” ignore that he was acquitted by a jury in 2005 on every one of the 14 salacious charges brought against him in a failed witch hunt.

Michael remains just as innocent of these smears in death as he was in life even though he isn’t here to defend himself. Enough is enough.

The Estate of Michael Jackson

As we previously reported, charges of child molestation were brought against Michael in 2003, but he was ultimately acquitted in 2005 after a five-month trial.

Folks, what do YOU think of the statement by Michael’s estate? Should they press charges? Tell us how you feel below.


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