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'This is our independence day!' Britain delivers stunning Leave vote in EU referendum as Nigel Farage hails a 'victory for ordinary people' - but Pound slumps to 31 YEAR low and stocks tumble

Ukip leader Nigel Farage has hailed a 'victory for real people' after the British public delivered a stunning Leave vote in the referendum.

 In a rousing speech at the Leave.EU rally in London, Mr Farage (pictured left at the event) said: 'This will be a victory for real people, a victory for ordinary people, a victory for decent people.'

The Leave campaign prevailed in the historic ballot after stacking up votes in England and Wales - despite massive support for Remain in London and Scotland. The direction of the battle started to become clear with an early shock result in Sunderland which saw the Out camp win by 61 per cent to 39 per cent.

A surprise victory for Brexit in Swansea, where the pro-EU side had been expecting to romp home, signposted a disastrous showing for Remain across Wales. The Pound - which soared in value earlier after Nigel Farage admitted he thought Brexit had lost - has nose-dived against US dollar to its lowest level for 31 years.


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