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Victor Barrio Dead: Top Bullfighter Gored To Death By Bull On Live TV

Top bullfighter Victor Barrio met a gruesome death on July 9, when a bull gored him to death in the ring. The entire horrifying incident was broadcast on live TV. He’s the first matador to die in the ring this century.

Matador Victor Barrio, 29, was gored to death by a 1200 lb. bull on during the Feria del Angel competition, which is broadcast on live TV. Horrified spectators at home and at the festival in Teruel, Spain, witnessed Victor being gored not once, but twice by the bull’s mighty horns, dying in the ring of injuries to the chest.

Victor’s fight was going well as he danced around the ring, taunting his bull, Lorenzo, expertly. But the beast snapped, lunging for Victor and goring the matador’s left thigh with his horn. He flipped Victor over, and pierced him in the chest, puncturing his lung and aorta. Medics immediately rushed to his side in the ring, while others near the sidelines rushed in to try to distract the bull and lure him away while Victor was bleeding out. But there was nothing the medics could do; he was announced dead in the ring as thousands watched on in horror at the death they witnessed live.

His death was confirmed by Madrid’s Las Ventas bullring, where Barrio started out as an apprentice matador in 2010. Victor was the first professional matador to die during a bullfight in Spain since Jose Cubero Yijo in 1985. Banderilleros, or matador’s assistants,  Manolo Montoliu, then 38, and Ramon Soto Vargas, then 39, were gored in 1992 in Seville.

Sadly, one of the last things Victor posted on Twitter was a picture of him practicing for Feria del Angel, a fight he had worked so hard to be able to attend — and win. Translated, it says “with my mind on Teruel”.

Readers, our thoughts are with Victor’s family during this difficult time. Show your support in the comments!


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