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George Zimmerman Punched After Bragging About Killing Trayvon Martin — Report

Can’t this guy just go away? George Zimmerman is in the news again on Aug. 4, after he was allegedly punched in the face for bragging about murdering 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Yes, seriously. We have all the appalling details, right here.

Once again, George Zimmerman may have done something awful and now we’re forced to talk about him again. The murderer of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin called the police last weekend after a fellow customer at Gators Riverside restaurant allegedly punched him in the face, TMZ reports.

Witnesses say that George had the gall to introduce himself to someone with “My name is George Zimmerman, you know, that guy who killed Trayvon Martin?” Gag. That apparently upset a patron who then punched him right in the face.

The story George told police was a little different. He says he was talking to some people at his table, explaining that he shot the teenager in self-defense, when the other customer overheard and approached him, saying “You’re bragging about that?” before decking him.

As of now, there is no one in custody. TMZ reports that by the time police had gotten to the restaurant, the man who allegedly punched George had fled. However, they are on the lookout for him. If it’s true that he was actually bragging about what he did to Trayvon, we can’t say we’re mad at the puncher.

George definitely hasn’t shied away from gaining publicity from the crime he committed four years ago. In May 2016, he actually tried to auction off the gun he murdered Trayvon with as if it were some kind of memorabilia. Luckily the page was taken down, but it just shows how disrespectful he is.

Readers, what do you think about George getting punched in the face? Share your thoughts with us!


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