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Donald Trump Brags Mexico "WILL" Pay For Wall After Their President Says They Won’t

Donald Trump delivered his long-awaited speech on immigration policy on August 31 in Phoenix, hours after meeting with the president of Mexico. Donald pledged that Mexico will pay for the wall 100%, even though their president tweeted that that’s never going to happen!

Right out of the gate, Donald Trump, 70, said this was going to be an important policy speech and not something of a typical rally, saying “We have to be prepared to talk honestly and without fear.” He went on to announce a detailed plan to deal with illegal immigration, which was heavy on removing criminals and gang members from the U.S. But it is his beloved border wall that’s still the highlight of his immigration policy.

His number one pledge? “We will build a great wall along the southern border!” as the audience went wild. “And Mexico will pay for the wall” he added, “one hundred percent. They don’t know it they but they’re going to pay for it.” This comes even though Mexico’s president, Enrique Peña Nieto, tweeted that that was never going to happen. He wrote earlier in the day that, “At the beginning of the conversation with Donald Trump I made it clear that Mexico will not pay for the wall.” Well, that apparently doesn’t matter to The Donald, who claims it will be “a great wall built in record time.”

His speech came just hours after he sat down with Enrique for a controversial meeting in private. The meeting took place at Nieto’s office in Ciudad de Mexico, and sparked major disruption GOP candidate arrived. President Nieto has previously compared Trump to Adolf Hitler so this was bound to be a lively meeting.

Donald delivered the speech in Phoenix in front of a sea of white faces and made his points so boldly it came across like he was almost yelling the whole time. He pledged to get rid of all criminal aliens living in the U.S. and doubled down on wanting to keep out immigrants from troubled Middle Eastern nations that his wall can’t stop.

Donald vowed to, “suspend the issuance of visas to anyplace where adequate screening cannot occur.” He said he wanted “extreme vetting” to keep American safe from giving visas to people who might be terrorists. He then doubled down on not letting in immigrants from nations in ISIS conflicts. “Countries from which immigration will be suspended will include places like Syria and Libya. And we are going to stop the tens of thousands of people coming in from Syria, We have no idea who they are, where they come from, there’s no paperwork, it’s going to end very badly.”

Folks, are you shocked by what Donald said in his speech? Tell us in the comments!


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