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Donald Trump Slams Hillary Clinton During Immigration Speech: They Should ‘Deport Her’

Donald Trump’s long awaited immigration speech Aug. 30 was heavy on the talk of deportation of illegal alien criminals.

But the Republican nominee took things a step too far when he said that Hillary Clinton should be deported for ‘evading justice.’ Keep reading for more on his outrageous comment.

During Donald Trump‘s big immigration speech, he was hitting out hard at Hillary Clinton, 68. But beyond being critical of her stances on the issue, he took a personal swipe claiming that SHE should be deported for being a criminal!

The tycoon vowed to create an Immigration and Customs Enforcement task force that will be, “focused on identifying and quickly removing the most dangerous illegal criminal immigrants in America who have evaded justice, just like Hillary Clinton has evaded justice. Maybe they’ll be able to deport her!” Good grief! Enough already Donald.

When not bashing Hillary, he did get particular on wanting to make sure all criminal immigrants would be the first to get the boot from the U.S. under his administration. “Zero tolerance for criminal aliens. Zero, zero! They don’t come in here,” he vowed. He claimed there are two million such bad guys already living in the U.S. and that, “We will begin moving them out day one as soon I take office in joint operation with local state and federal law enforcement…Day one, my first hour in office, those people are gone! And you can call it deported if you want, they’re gone!”

Though he repeatedly talked about how “thugs” will be the first order of business in his deportation plan, he never touched on what’s going to happen to non-criminal nearly 11 million illegal immigrants who are already residing in the United States, other than to say he’s not going to offer amnesty.

He had made previous pledges throughout his campaign that they would all be rounded up deported and forced to re-apply for citizenship if they wanted to come back to the U.S. He tested out letting immigrants who are non-criminal, longtime U.S. residents stay in the country during a Fox News town hall meeting, and it went over very badly. Apparently it was enough to keep him from bringing up the HUGE subject during his big immigration policy speech!

Readers, do you think Donald’s deportation comment about Hillary was out of line?


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