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Jimmy Kimmel: Is Matt Damon The Father Of His Pregnant Wife’s Baby? — Watch

Priceless! Jimmy Kimmel got into a hilarious war with mortal enemy Matt Damon over who’s the daddy of the late night host’s unborn baby. You’ve got to see how they settled their epic battle Maury Povich-style to help reveal who is the real father.

Matt Damon has been really getting under Jimmy Kimmel‘s skin these days, and now he’s claiming to be the real papa of the late night host’s unborn baby! The perennially banned 46-year-old movie star managed to snag his second appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in a week with his Feb. 13 sketch, where they battled it out over who’s the daddy of pregnant Molly McNearney’s child.  The skit opens in Molly’s doctor’s office where she’s getting an ultrasound and Jimmy gushes, “Nothing could ruin this moment, it’s very special.” He spoke WAY too soon!

In walks arch-enemy Matt, 46, with a camcorder saying, “Sorry I’m late.” It’s Jimmy’s absolute worst nightmare as he realizes, “That would mean you had to have …you promised me you were going to stop f***ing my girlfriends!” in a hilarious shout out to Sarah Silverman‘s “I’m F***ing Matt Damon” video from back in the day. Molly won’t give up the parentage to either star, telling them, “This is between you guys, I don’t want to get in the middle of this.” Matt leans into the baby bump and tells the unborn child, “You have a choice of daddies and one daddy could be an Emmy loser and the other could be an Oscar winner.” Oh snap!

They decide to settle who’s the daddy by going on a faux Maury Povich Show with Martin Short impersonating the 78-year-old daytime talk show host. The bad news for both of the guys is that NEITHER of them came back as the father after DNA testing, with Matt yelling at Molly, “I can’t believe we had that much sex and you didn’t get pregnant.” So who is the daddy? None other than comedian Tracy Morgan, 48, who comes out and proudly proclaims, “I’m everybody’s father!” Molly cuddled up to her true baby daddy while scolding Matt and Jimmy, telling them, “How can either of you satisfy me when all you want is each other.” HAH!

This is the second time in a week that Matt has pissed off his arch-enemy Jimmy. On Feb. 6 he snuck onto the show pretending to be Super Bowl winning quarterback Tom Brady, 39, Patriots uniform and all. Even though he was exposed in his attempt to finally get an appearance on Jimmy’s program, he counted it as a win and celebrated breaking his longstanding ban with a champagne filled victory speech. After having the permanently banished actor on twice in one week, we have a feeling it’s going to be while before he gets past Jimmy again!

What did you think of Jimmy and Matt’s hilarious sketch?


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