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Caitlyn Jenner Makes Racist Gaffe While Defending Kendall’s Disastrous Pepsi Commercial

Caitlyn Jenner has had her share of gaffes over the last two years, and she continued the trend on April 26. The Jenner matriarch defended her daughter Kendall’s controversial Pepsi ad, but ended up making an insulting statement of her own. Listen, here.

Caitlyn Jenner, 67, has made great strides towards getting woke since announcing that she was transgender in 2015, but on April 26 she proved that she still has some learning to do. Cait was jokingly hesitant when Andy Cohen brought up her daughter Kendall Jenner’s controversial Pepsi commercial in an interview, saying “oh god you have to bring it all up don’t you, all of the controversy?”

She feared she’ll “catch hell” for dishing. Unfortunately, she’s “catching hell” for something different: the way she described the location of Kendall’s shoot.

“She went down – shes a model – went down and spent a couple of days, it was shot over in the Orient or something like that,” said Cait. Yikes. At the very least the term “Oriental” is ignorant, and at it’s worst it’s derogatory towards Asian people. Barack Obama even banned the use of the word in any laws in 2015, replacing it with Asian Americans. Caitlyn is older and probably didn’t mean any harm, but it shows that there’s still more for her to learn.

As far as Kendall’s commercial, Cait also revealed that she had no problem with it, unlike thousands of offended Americans on Twitter. “Kendall’s Pepsi commercial, I saw it, I looked at it and said ‘that is so cool,’ it talks about join the conversation, it was cute, I didn’t see all of the other things that I guess some other people saw.

I felt sorry for Kendall, Pepsi tested the commercial and it had like 72 percent likes, but there was a small portion out there that obviously was very verbal, and then the media’s going to jump all over that and they pulled it.”

She also accidentally put Kenny on blast. Though Kendall’s reps said she hadn’t seen the script prior to shooting the commercial, Cait explained “Kendall said ‘I’m a model, they hired me to go do this, I looked at the script and it looked pretty cool to me.'” Oopsie!

What did you think of Cait’s comments? Let us know!


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