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Kendall Jenner Covers Her Face Upon Return To LA After Pepsi Ad Controversy — Pic

She had to come home sometime. Despite facing serious amounts of backlash for her controversial Pepsi ad, Kendall Jenner did her best to keep her head held high as she walked through LAX on Apr. 7. See the supermodel’s return, here!

Poor Kendall Jenner, 21! Ever since the release of her Pepsi ad earlier this week, the runway model has been facing an endless amount of criticism from online haters. Still, she knew she had to face the music at some point — and that day was April 7th. Kendall tried her hardest to keep her confidence up, but the insecurities definitely showed on her way out LAX. It was clear from the reality star’s body language that she was uncomfortable. She wore sunglasses to hide her eyes and covered up her face with her hand as photographers snapped away.

In case you missed the Pepsi ad, here’s a brief overview. It starts out with Kendall modeling in an exotic country, possibly the third-world one.

A peaceful protest erupts on the streets, and the energy is to contagious for the raven-haired beauty to miss out on. She ditches the modeling gig and walks amongst the locals carrying a Pepsi. In an attempt to sway police officers who are watching the protest, she hands them a drink. They take a sip and all is magically right in the world again.

You can see where people had to take a second glance at the commercial. Thousands fans flocked to Twitter to share their negative thoughts, many of which mocked Kendall for narrowing down the solution to violence to a simple soda.

The outrage grew so intense that Pepsi had no choice but to pull the ad entirely. It was then that the leggy supermodel fled to Paris to hide out for a few days. Hopefully the controversy blows over soon!

How do you think Kendall is doing following the Pepsi ad reaction? Comment below.


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