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46 Ivorian soldiers sentenced to 20 years in Mali prison
U.S. says it killed nearly 700 Islamic State suspects this year
5 key takeaways on how Ukraine’s counteroffensives reshaped the war
Inside the Ukrainian counteroffensive that shocked Putin and reshaped the war
Mexico's president asks residents to reject drug gang gifts
3 Washington State Electric Substations Vandalized
Extreme Cold, Travel Chaos: Woes from Deadly Storm Continue
Pope on Christmas: Jesus was poor, so don't be power-hungry
Soviet artists drew a freedom message. A KGB agent named Putin investigated.
Gun ownership went up. Killings went down. Brazil debates why.
South Korea ramps up arms exports in goal to become world supplier
Lavish weddings return to Kabul, but only women get to enjoy the party
New Mexico Church Gives Away 5,000 Toys to Kids in Need: 'God Is Generous'
U.K. nurses strike over pay, testing a health-care system in crisis
In patriotism push, Russians send handmade gifts to troops in Ukraine
5 dead and suspect killed in Toronto area condo shooting
Ukraine’s combat amputees face a hard road home
No alien life discovered on Earth, Pentagon says, but search deepens
Video shows brutal attack of 14-year-old girl in Gwinnett County high school bathroom
Young elk stuck in mud couldn’t be pulled out by the antlers. Then came the four-wheeler
Pentagon preparing to send Patriot missile system to Ukraine
BTS megastar Jin starts military service in South Korea
Hong Kong eases covid restrictions for arrivals, scraps tracking app
The Lockerbie bombing launched a global probe. Here’s what to know.
Morocco World Cup win cheered across Africa, as continent gets its first semifinals spot
Russia sends soldiers to war but ignores mental trauma they bring home
An empire built on coal
Brown University becomes first Ivy League to impose campus-wide ban on caste discrimination
Trump Organization Guilty Verdict Inspires Twitters Users To New Heights Of Snark
Global survey: workplace violence, harassment is widespread
Pastor Details 'Surreal' FBI Experience After Pregnancy Center Firebombing: 'They Literally Started Screaming at Me'
A more pragmatic Xi Jinping launches a global charm offensive for China
The Liver King, an influencer who eats raw meat and preaches a primal lifestyle, admits to lying about steroid use
School administrator had sex with student, gave alcohol to minors at Halloween party, GBI says
In Ukraine’s capital, Putin’s attacks don’t dim the resolve to fight Russia
Setbacks in Ukraine war diminish Russia’s clout with regional allies
Bodies in suitcases suspect extradited to New Zealand
Pakistan launches new anti-polio drive amid spike in cases
American woman lost at sea in Mexico is confirmed dead, university says
I drove the Outback Way: 1,700 miles of red dirt and epic encounters
Wildlife conference boosts protection for sharks, turtles
Military pay: This is how much US troops are paid according to their rank
Eagle Pass, Texas: The Southern Border's New 'Eye of the Immigration Storm'
Turkish strikes on Kurds stoke tensions with Syria as well
In Kherson city, sympathies for Russia complicate reintegration into Ukraine
Patrons in Gay Club Shooting Hit Gunman with His Own Weapon
TN Church Uses Rubber Ducks to Reach Hundreds of Jeep Owners with the Gospel: 'He Uses Anything'
Israeli airstrikes on Syria kill 4 soldiers, injure 1
GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert's race just got tighter
Idaho student killings: Coroner releases autopsy findings
2 Hawaiian men guilty of hate crime in white man's beating
Oath Keeper Loses Cool On The Stand In Seditious Conspiracy Trial