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Man drives 1,200 miles to deliver 49 wooden crosses to Orlando
“He threw gasoline on us and set us on fire” Some of the Nigerians repatriated from Libya open up about their perilous journeys
Iraq Faces Humanitarian Disaster After Fallujah Breakthrough
14 Year-Old Girl Attempts Suicide As Mother Rejects 34yr Old Commercial Motorcyclist Boyfriend
2 US Marines Under Investigation For Threatening Gay Bars After Orlando Shooting
U.S. Will Patrol the Black Sea Despite Russian Warnings
Autopsy: Toddler Attacked by Alligator Died of ‘Drowning and Traumatic Injuries’
Russia failed to heed U.S. call to stop targeting Syrian rebels: U.S
11 Imprisoned for Life in India for Gulbarg Massacre During 2002 Gujarat Riots
Former Nazi Guard Sentenced To Five Years For Involvement in Death at Auschwitz